We are currently accepting submissions for the 2024 edition. Submissions are open until
13 May 2024.

Articles and commentaries for the 2024 edition will be accepted that relate to any domestic or international topic concerning women, gender perspectives and the law. We encourage submissions that take an intersectional approach and simultaneously examine issues of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and sexual orientation.

Submissions that will be considered are those that are up to 12,000 words in length and in article format. If you would like to submit a dissertation or another piece of student work, please ensure that it is no more than 12,000 words and is in article format before it is submitted.

If you have a longer article that you think would fit with the Journal’s kaupapa, please discuss it with the Editors-in-Chief prior to submitting it, before you submit it by emailing editors@womenslawjournal.co.nz with an abstract and your contact details so that we can arrange a time to speak with you.

Commentaries such as case and legislation notes and book reviews of between 2,000 to 3,000 words in length will also be considered.

To submit an article or commentary, please send it to the Editors-in-Chief at editors@womenslawjournal.co.nz.  Please ensure your submission complies with the New Zealand Law Style Guide.